Lease digital gold and earn interest in gold

Here are some products which are already doing it.


Yes this is a new option to do so. Leasing itself is a good option to explore. It acts as an alternative investment strategy that is not linked to stock market performance to an extent.

Eg. gripp invest does a similar platform for leasing


I am hearing about this mode of investment for the first time. Thanks, @dhanvi for this thread.
@vijay.balaji, Yes, Gold leasing can indeed be considered as an alternative investment opportunity :+1:. However, I am not sure how practical to implement it directly on the Jupiter app, similar to services like Gullak and Safegold, which are specifically designed for such purposes and offer such specialised services.

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This gold leasing feature seems gimmicky.
The advertising returns are presented by including the gold appreciation price based on past performance, which make them appear higher than they actually are. The actual return is closer to 2-3%. There are other, more reliable ways to invest in gold.

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I politely disagree; SGB gives you 2.5% fixed returns on the initial investment. In comparison, gold leasing gives you around 5% returns on the appreciated/depreciated value of gold.

I don’t think it will underperform SGB in the long term.

But there is more risk, and the initial 3% GST with Gold leasing, which the SGB doesn’t have :slight_smile:

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AFAIK, these platforms gives around 3%p.a. return that to on form of gold, whereas in case of SGBs you get the 2.5% interest directly in your bank account. Additionally, No captial gain tax on maturity.

In the case of digital gold there’s 3%GST+ 3-4% difference in buying and selling price = 6-7% loss.

A comparison :arrow_heading_down:

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