Jupiter app | few UI tweaks and enhancements

@Shawnpinto Is the new homepage UI update push permanent now? Are the A/B tests over?

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@Binoy The center aligned account section is still being rolled out to some users. By next week, all users should ideally see the same thing.

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OK. I just wanted to make sure I wonā€™t be shown the old UI again after few hours. It kept switching few days back.

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I recieved the new jupiter hompage (central aligned balance) few hours after updating the app. There was a bug (fluttering line just above navigation icons in homepage) it got fixed once i reopened the app.

I like the new UI expecially, that orangeish shade to the box containing balance.

I am waiting for the next UI update having darkmode and a notification icon to show downtimes in federal bank and payment requests :zap:ā€¦

Keep up the good work :rocket:

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@Aswin_Benny Glad you liked the new layout!
Question. What did you mean by the fluttering line?

These are times when screenshot was required. I would have done a screen record.

The line of seperation between that box containing navigation icons and the background was blinking vigorously like old tv whose pixels are damaged. Problem solved after closing and opening the app.

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Thanks for letting us know @Aswin_Benny
Weā€™ll look out for any such cases. If anyone else is experiencing the fluttering issue, let us know!

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@Shawnpinto why should there be 2 Scan & Pay option on same page ?

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@nareshk It is not the new ui, it is just a mockup I found in the jupiter community :sweat_smile:.

I cant take screenshot so, i need some way to explain the issue

oh my bad, there should be an option to take screenshotā€¦ iPhone users can take screenshots anyway why deprive use poor android users :smiley:

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Guess we android users have more security features for banking than iphone users :joy::smiling_face_with_tear:

and apple has no idea how to handle security!!!

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@Shawnpinto I recieved the new jupiter uiā€¦ Its much better :zap::zap:

What is this ā€œPay with jupiter debit card, earn jewels and iPhone 13*ā€ā€¦ Is iphone 13 new offer for debit card purchases?

@Shawnpinto Have u seen the sleep and freeze button in the debit card, it makes no senseā€¦

Hey @Aswin_Benny Could you elaborate please.
Did you find something in the freeze and sleep section?

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@Aswin_Benny Thanks for pointing this one out! That card is for Jupiter Quest. Weā€™ll look into it. It shouldnā€™t have been there for old users I think. Need to confirm.

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When the card is on sleep and when not in freeze mode, it shows same colour.

I thought my debit was not sleep so clicked on it only to find that - on clicking button named sleep, it awakes the card and clicking the couloured awake button causes card to sleep

U just need a sleep button no need awake and other thingsā€¦ If card is sleeping sleep button gets orange coloured fill else no colour

@Aswin_Benny Letā€™s connect. I need to know more about this.
Pinging you on DM.

If anyone else is facing the sleep issue :zzz: :credit_card:, let us know.

Its not a bug. Its a ui issueā€¦