Jupiter 2.0 redesign | Introducing a new experience

New UI update is not good.
Previous one was iconic and just needed an option for dark mode.
I am also seeing the offer section of cashback is taking half of screen and is now on top. That is not what I want to see when I open the app. You can’t live off cashback.

This is a banking app with modern features like pots, categorising transaction to monitor expenditure, investment and tracking. These functions should take priority and must be seamless without the delay/lag which is currently being faced.
There’s no need for so many animations as well since payments are supposed to be quick with two or one more click for categorising.

Speaking of categories in transaction, I am unable to identify easily what are the categories. It is now confusing. In previous UI I could just select it with a glance or knew the position.

Failed transactions history is something you can work on rather then changing UI.


dinosaur age compliance

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Opening the QR Code scanner takes ages…


the full app needs improvement in terms of information overload , i don’t why i want to use the app but some or the other things keep coming on the way … there is lot of information , lots of font sizes at once , fonts weights ,

we can look the approach paytm tasks or for shake grow … they have lot to show but they keep it clean as max as possible , the grow is market hit u knw why cuz of its clean design … in my circle people are ready to pay brokerage charge on grow than no brokerage charge on Kite(zerodha), cuz of its simple to use UI…

Don’t do this. App is beutiful with current colour scheme. Don’t do this!

I’m using a Samsung S22+ with the latest software, and the new Jupiter app is very laggy. It’s not responsive to touches, and the animations often freeze.
Screen video for reference

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Hi @Sibin_C_Baby , thanks for recording this.
Our team is having a look.

Question, did this start happening recently or even since the 2.0 design update?

happens for me too/on my device.
yes, after 2.0 design.

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Ever since the 2.0 design its like this only,I tried downgrading to the old apk which I have in backup
The issue exist from the Version 3.0.0 .

Now I tried installing version 2.6.6 which is the only old style version apk I have ,and everything works way better

Got it. @Sibin_C_Baby reaching out to you on DMs to take this forward :blob_thanks:

Bro plz work on application’s animations and smoothness.
It lags a lot

The big banner for personal loan on home UI. ( Or any other features)

  1. It appeared, I take the bait, I’m eligible and i got loan then the banner should be not shown.


  1. It appeared, i take the bait, I’m not eligible then the banner should go off.

It’s not very appealing to have a constant not so useful banner, it’s kinda hurt my eyes.


@Jamiefraser It does dismiss after 3-4 clicks!

It doesn’t :slight_smile:
I made 15 clicks, it still stays there. Seems stubborn!!

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My love for Jupiter wants me to use Jupiter as my primary banking partner but the lack of some basic but very important features forcing me to choose others over Jupiter.

I’ve mentioned before and I’ll add a few now.

  1. Jupiter 2.0 is overwhelming, the anaemic colour palette, the big banners, low balance remainders, consistent laon remainder banners despite clicking on them on the home UI whenever i open the app.

  2. Billing incompleteness, some of the electricity providers and most of the credit card providers are not on board.

  3. One of the very useful yet not executed properly tab is transaction history, something like phonepe or Gpay makes much more sense.

  4. Optional but I’d love to see: Travel Booking

I really appreciate all other innovative features that are already there but basics for everyone, innovations for the curious ones.

These are reasons for me to choose others over Jupiter. Hope the team will help me with leaving only one option.


Feedback taken. We would discuss it internally and see what’s possible to take from above feedbacks


been away from this forum for two years and you guys successfully destroyed the app

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no point now to use jupiter.

  • free debit card gone
  • nothing spl with debit card rewards, have other cards (incl lifetime free cc) which offer better rewards
  • upi payment rewards made only for pro users
  • even after becoming pro for several months, the upi rewards were basically non-existent that i invested my 10k somewhere better lmao
  • initially 1 jewel was equal to 1 rs. a big selling point of jupiter was they wanted to keep rewards simple. gone too.
  • upi payments were so slow that i swtiched to gpay at some point in 2022 and have never looked back
  • pots have become useless with the low interest rates and lock-in periods. better to invest in the market (with T+1 the money is almost liquid) or fd.
  • netbanking experience is shit - have been trying to create my account on fedbank’s portal but they refuse to take my debit card details for some reason lmao
  • THE UI IS SHIT OMG. for an app that was based on offering better and simpler rewards but couldn’t due to the funding winter, the only advantage you had was the UI/UX. however, you’ve decided to chuck it all out the window. i open the app and i see a big ugly yellow banner at the top announcing my balance is low. i scroll down and an even bigger banner asking me to upgrade to salary account. OH MY GOD. considering the app used to look very cool once. the color scheme was original and the branding was consistent. it seemed like jupiter had an identity and a strong one, imagine destroying that so you could show bigger banner to users.

i understand one of the reasons why jupiter had to cut rewards was the funding winter but that does not mean users should use whatever you guys decide to dole out. i know the idea behind building a user base for fintechs is always to eventually sell them mutual funds, loans, FDs, insurance, or credit cards. but destroying your original useful service just to sell the above seems foolish if not sabotagatory. look at cred. the original service is just as good and easy to access. the feedback on this forum has been so polite. you guys deserve someone to tell you the straight truth. the service has broken down.


Agree :100:

Just to let you know
there are no reward even for pro users on upi