How can I download all my transactions in excel?

Currently, I am stuck with the features available on the mobile app. If I want to do some further spend analysis, is there a straight forward way to get all my transactions into an excel or csv file. It would be great if we also have the category as an additional column.

Thanks in advance.

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  • Menu button (Hamburger icon)
  • Account services
  • Bank account statement

@avash You can download as an excel file for statements


Thanks @Aswin_Benny !

Thanks @Aswin_Benny for the detailed steps. Appreciate it.
And apologies for my late (so so late :slight_smile: ) reply.

However, this only provides me with the bank statement for my Jupiter (Federal Bank) account. Is there a way I can fetch the transactions from all my bank accounts that I have linked with Jupiter? Since Jupiter is doing a fantastic job at categorizing my transactions, I was just wondering if I can have access to the those transactions for further analysis.

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No, this service is provided by Account Aggregator “FINVU” for showing your balance and transactions.