Credit Card Pot failure results REST API body


When the user tries to save an amount to the pot that is greater than the amount available in the account, The results API response body is included in the description of the failure. Where the end user can’t understand it clearly and there is a loss in design or content consistency.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Login.
  2. Head over to the money tab.
  3. You should have any Credit card usage and due amounts that are linked in the Jupiter App. Then in the Recommended for You section, click on Save in Pots.
  4. The amount in your account should be less than the amount to save.
  5. Slide to deposite.
  6. You will get a failure message with the content or body as mentioned in the image.

Expected Behavior

Expecting content that will let the user understand much more clearly.
EG: Unable to create recurring deposit account due to insufficient balance.


Welcome to the community @Mr.Minnu :v:t2:
Tagging @Samarth_Tiwari
Hope the POTS team look into the issue and confirm the same. :+1:t2:

We’re looking into this one!

Any update on this?