- Date and time of the bug: 16th December 2021, 3:29AM (yes I opened Jupiter at 3:29am lol)
- Action: Froze my card
- Expected result: Usual message in Jupiter specific font.
- Actual result: Broken font for card frozen message
- Device name and model: iPhone SE (2nd Gen)
- Reproducibility: Everytime I freeze my card
- Connection type: Both Wi-Fi and Mobile Data
- Name of the cellular: Airtel & Wi-Fi provider: Airtel
- Screenshots:
Hey @Divyaansh_Agarwal, where exactly did you see the broken font? I’m unable to find it.
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@Divyaansh_Agarwal I see that when the card is in frozen state, the text in black is a bit thinner, not broken though. Is this the one?
Yes its a generic font. I mean it didn’t look Jupiter-like.
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On Android it looks fine. Lemme check this on iOS and update you. Thanks though @Divyaansh_Agarwal
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First of all this isn’t a bug, its a suggestion. On top of white background a white font wont be clear or visible so its understandable why its black, I really don’t see a issue here.
It’s probably due to the visual discomfort. The font does seem smaller at first