Support for samsung wallet

Samsung wallet is a great tool to store debit and credit card on Samsung devices. Or you can also use Paytm or gpay to store and use debit or credit card.


Since everyone carry their phone often more than carrying wallet , this will feature allow to not even think about wallets for banking needs. Samsung wallet and other wallet options in Android allows to use card like tap and pay. So there will be always an option to use card since tap and pay is accepted everywhere.

So please make Jupiter cards available to use in samsung wallet or other digital wallet apps. In my case my all other bank cards support digital wallets only Jupiter debit doesn’t support this feature. It will make very convenient and I can use Jupiter card more often because sometimes I forgot to take my wallet and I prefer this method over UPI because UPI need internet and this doesn’t. Don’t think UPI is enough because it is always better to have multiple options to complete transaction


Hai @Panda1 , Welcome to the community. :v:t2:
The Jupiter team has already been working on the addition of that feature, not in the immediate future, but certainly in the near future.

Furthermore, they are in the process of planning the introduction of a Sticker NFC Debit card, which could be a modified version of the aforementioned feature.