What information helps you track your spends effectively?

Hey everyone! :wave:

When you think about tracking & monitoring your spends, what information you think really helps you understand it better?

You can mark things which are useful to you from the points listed below.

Also, if there is any other information you need apart from the ones listed here, just let us know in comments.

  • How much are you spending?
  • Where all are you spending?
  • How do your spends look in comparison to your savings and investments?
  • How have your spends changed over time?
  • Are your spends under your control or are you overspending?
  • Which specific transactions caused major changes in your spends?
  • How are you using your different accounts & cards for all your spends?

0 voters


If you are fixing this, happy to get on a call and help with inputs!


Man I love all this options!!!


Looks like these 2 options have got the highest votes! Interesting.

This had gotten the least one since it could be related to long-term data. It’s not something that you get instantly :thinking:

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I’d love long term spend behaviour reports. Maybe once every two months, or a quarter?

I’m thinking an email with cool pie charts.