CKYC Sync doesn't store Signature from Signature Endpoint + No Signature in Onboarding KYC with Jupiter for Federal Bank Customer

This is a universal issue for any existing Federal Bank user opening a Jupiter Account.
(Hence not following the existing bug template)

The onboarding process fetches customer data from CKYC/KRA and merges with existing Federal Bank details, but not the signature.
The current solution is to send signature to Jupiter support team to update using Chat, however it’s not the most secure way to do so (when Jupiter has security as a priority)

However, since signature isn’t synced, it causes issues in:

  • Any Operation in Bank which requires signature
  • Cheque Book Requests
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@Shawnpinto this is accepted as a bug? 🥲

@Debosmit_Majumder Not an actual bug. It’s more of like an issue. We’re aware of this.

But you’re right. We’ll need to look at how the signatures are collected. Will convey this to the team :+1:t3:

Thanks though!